tisdag 15 mars 2011

Magic: The Gathering Tacics!

Hey guys. Do you remember the card game Magic? Alot of my friends played it and i tried it sometimes, it was pretty fun. A few days ago, a game based on this cardgame was realesed! It is free to play but you will have to pay money if you want to collect new cards.

I tried it out and i enjoyed it, but only for a couple of matches. The starter deck that you get when you create your account does not include many cards and you will get bored with that deck quickly. So if this game is going to be fun, you will have to pay to get new cards.

See what you think about it. Or if you tried it, what do you think?

Free to play and download here! http://www.magicthegatheringtactics.com/playnow/

16 kommentarer:

  1. Seems interesting :) started downloading

  2. I was never into the card game, but this tactics version looks interesting enough.

  3. tbh this thing looks kind of boring

  4. seems cool ill definitely check it out. i tried getting in to it back in the day but it never stuck.

  5. looks nice but maybe not for me ;)

  6. I loved MtG, but I ended selling all my cards because it was a bit like a waste of money... Maybe I check this game, who knows!

  7. hehe, because of this post i met up with an old friend and played the whole evening long. (card game tho)

  8. Looks like it's worth a try at least!

  9. A must-check, definitely!

  10. Holy crap! Must have...! Thanks for pointing me there!

  11. dam the thing looks cool but i don't understan a word :( i want thaaat!
