onsdag 2 mars 2011

Torchlight - A diablo 2 clone!

I got many comments on my Diablo 2 post, and in one of the comments i saw someone talking about a game called Torchlight 2 that was comming. I looked it up and decided to try out the first one "Torchlight" and it was actually pretty good. It's like a copy of Diablo 2 with improved graphics, physics and user interface! 

If you are a fan of Diablo and have problems waiting in peace for Diablo 3. Go checkout Torchlight!

14 kommentarer:

  1. It was fun, some of the end monsters were bullshit though, fucking oneshotted all the time.

  2. More like Diablo 3 a clone of Torchlight !

  3. nice, please follow me too!

  4. Diablo is awesome. I might check out Torchlight, but clones piss me off

  5. I'ts got a cutesy look to it, I, too, might give it a try...

  6. I heard of this. I guess if its a Diablo 2 clone it cant be all that bad :D I love diablo

  7. awesome bro. im following you :) >ME2 PLEASE /BRO/

  8. diablo 2 with better graphics? I am pretty sold on that idea not going to lie haha

  9. Played it and rly enjoyed it. It has manny new elements, and most of all; its fun to play!
    *cant say that about a lot of games right now..

  10. I loved torchlight don't think is quite a diablo copy

  11. I am so hyped for diablo 3!
